Smiling Cashier

Half the time you use a Coin Sorter, the cashier or another customer in line will notice it with a positive remark. Flash that Coin Sorter gratuitously to increase your discovery probability.

Each time you are discovered, bathe in the sincere external reinforcement about how clever and-well organized you are.

You can then manipulate the ensuing conversation into a success ritual in which these other humans agree with additional positive statements about yourself.

Your Change Changes You

That once was me, but I have changed

– You, watching a sloppy change-giver

You’re waiting in line at the checkout counter. The cashier tells the customer ahead of you the price. She launches a fishing expedition through her pockets and purse for coins… and keys, random papers and more detritus.

Annoyed Cashier

But not you. No more do you worry in line whether you’ll have correct change, then scramble for it.

No more will you experience mild embarrassment from violating the social norm to not waste others’ time frivolously.

That former clutter of coins at home has been tamed, relieving subtle weight from your psyche.

Step-by-step you can bring order and calm into your life. With newfound coin control, you can then progressively iron out other daily low-level stressors that accumulate in your life.

What else can you improve?

The Coin Sorter Success Ritual

Eliminating this persistent annoyance can have ripple effects through your life.

One simply cannot immediately fulfill self-promises to eat better, exercise daily, control finances, quit bad habits, and get fully organized. Quick-fix failures just spin in a demoralizing cycle.

Massive personal change rarely happens all at once.

But lasting personal change can be deliberately provoked with small success rituals. Confidence from quick wins builds momentum for bigger changes, such as adjusting your diet or breaking a bad habit or adding a new practice to your daily routine.

The Coin Sorter helps launch an automatic self-improvement ritual performed several times a day. How could you leverage this into more valuable personal development?